In this section, you can apply, practice and check if you remember both the vocabulary and grammar of the lesson. If you make mistakes, it is recommended to check the subjects and repeat the exercises. A. I like pizza B. Thus, I can (the agreement) disagree with negative statements expressing with yes – pronomen – auxiliary verb, consent and disagreement, “do” for the simple present, “do” for simple grazing, “to be” in each of its times, “have” for the perfect present, “wants” for the future, “would” for conditional, etc.). Let us take a few examples: indeed, we must invest between aid and the creation of subjects with neither agreement nor differences of opinion. Greetings, Patricia As you can see, the first sentence is simple and positive, so to show the agreement, we write SO – Auxiliary of simple present in positive (because we agree) – the subject. Choose the right option to answer or finish each prayer. . The second sentence is also presently simple and negative, so to show disagreements, we write NEITHER – do – Subjectage.

Behind NEITHER, the auxiliary will always be positive, because neither is already a negative word and I do not know that a denial can duplicate in the same sentence. Negative additions to negative statements are made with and/n auxiliary subject. 1. You don`t like it. Yes, that`s what I do. 2. `She doesn`t have a job.` “No, that`s not the case.” 3. “It`s a great movie.” No, that`s not it. 4. Rocky can`t swim. Me neither. 5.

She wasn`t late, but it was you. 6. He`s drunk. “No, it`s not him.” 7. I speak Very good German. That`s how I can. 8. `He won`t eat anymore.` “Yes, he will.” 9. `I didn`t break it.

Yes, that`s what you did. 10. Tom was not there. It was not his brother either. 11. I loved the movie, but not my brother. 12. You don`t know him. Yes, that`s what I do.

a. I didn`t go to Beach B last week. I haven`t already fixed it. Thank you for working with the English web on little Errata. Greetings ? Hello, Allan: If you say “yes to me” and “not to me,” you say something else to the statement, and it happens as follows: A. I like pizzas. B. That is not the case. B. I don`t like pizza.

B. That`s what I`m doing. As you can see, we do it with the subject and the corresponding assistant, in this case this one. Greetings, Patty Reading this unit, the theme is to express an opinin and answer whether we agree or disagree with the other person. Hello, I am an English b1 student and I would like to know where I can see monologues and mediations so that I can let go in the speech. Thank you very much. When we say “so did I,” we say “me too.” If, on the contrary, “I don`t have it,” I say “I`m not,” that is, I say something else to the spokesperson (A. I was on B early.

I didn`t do it). THIS IS STILL DONE WITH THE HELP OF SUBJECT AND AUXILIARY (NEGATIVE IN THIS CASE, BECAUSE YOU MEAN YOU DO NOT, AND CONTRARY TO THE OTHER SPEAKER). . Here are some phrases to practice this grammar. 4. You`re not going to work tomorrow, are you? – . (Disagreement) (Exact) (False) . I`m sorry, but I don`t share your… opinion.

All right. The affirmative supplements to the positive remarks are made with this help – pronoun. Hello, Angela: I don`t know what b2 exam you`re going to do, but anything, you need a good grammatical basis, that is to say to have properly assimilated all the contents before b2, and secondly, have assimilated the content of b2 that you have to prove during your examination, both in the written part and in the part of the speech, to try the grammar of b2 that you have studied in both parts. Moreover, and when it comes to speaking, you need an acceptable fluidity to be understood, because you have a good debate, and to understand the other speaker so that communication is not broken.